Advanced cancer care in Kansas City, MO

Important information

CDC guidance now recommends that moderately to severely immunocompromised patients receive an additional (third) dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna). If you have undergone anti-cancer therapy in the past year, you are within 1 year of stem cell transplantation or are receiving medications that suppress your immune system, you are encouraged to obtain a third COVID-19 vaccination shot. If you received the Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccination, please consult your doctor regarding next steps. Find vaccination locations here.

If you are within 100 days of a stem cell transplantation, we do not recommend that you receive a COVID-19 vaccination until you are cleared by your care team to do so. If you are currently on a clinical research trial, please contact your clinical research team for more guidance. Please contact your care coordinator if you have additional questions about receiving an additional COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Our Kansas City hospital is proud to be part of the Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at HCA Midwest Health — a network-accredited cancer program. Our patients and their families have access to cutting-edge and innovative oncology care right here in their local community. We provide a full range of oncology services consisting of prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, wellness and survivorship support.

For more information on cancer care, call Sarah Cannon at Research Medical Center at (816) 276-4700.




Research Medical Center is accredited by the American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer (CoC) quality program. This means our cancer center exceeds the quality care standards set out by the CoC and consistently provides excellence in comprehensive patient-centered care.

Features of our cancer center

The Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at Research Medical Center offers a wide range of diagnostic and treatment options for patients, including:

  • A Blood Cancer Center
  • Access to new cancer treatments and clinical research trials
  • Breast cancer and breast imaging services
  • Cancer rehabilitation program
  • Comprehensive cancer wellness program and services through the Center for Integrative Therapy
  • Comprehensive radiation therapy treatments including stereotactic radiosurgery for brain tumors and neurological conditions and high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) Center of Excellence for specialty care in treating cancers of the liver, pancreas and GI tract
  • Genetic testing
  • Multidisciplinary cancer case conferences that connect physicians from across the HCA Midwest Health network and rural partner networks to discuss treatment plans
  • Oncology-trained nurse navigators to walk patients and their families through their cancer journey
  • Neuro-oncology care to treat all types of primary and metastatic malignant and benign brain and spine tumors.
  • Specialized surgical oncologists who offer the latest minimally invasive surgery options
  • State-of-the-art outpatient facility and a dedicated inpatient oncology unit
  • Tumor profiling and personalized medicine to target a patient’s unique cancer

Types of cancer we treat

Patients and families who come to our hospital for cancer care have access to a wide range of diagnostic imaging and treatment services. We diagnose and treat a wide range of cancers, including:

Leading-edge cancer screening and treatment technology

When you come to our hospital for cancer treatment services, you can trust our team to use advanced technology and techniques to achieve the best outcomes possible.


We are proud to provide a dedicated suite for patients receiving HDR image-guided brachytherapy. HDR brachytherapy allows radiologic oncologists to deliver a high dose of radiation to a tumor or target area while minimizing radiation exposure to the normal tissues surrounding the tumor.

HDR brachytherapy may be used in treating:

  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Uterine (endometrial) cancer

Benefits of HDR brachytherapy

HDR brachytherapy allows radiologic oncologists to deliver a high dose of radiation to a tumor or target area while minimizing radiation exposure to normal tissues.

HDR treatment can replace the need for major surgery. The cancer is targeted with radiation from inside the body, so it does not pass through healthy tissues and organs. Patients walk out from HDR treatments with minimal side effects.

Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT)

PRRT uses targeted radiation to kill cancer cells internally. It is used to treat neuroendocrine tumors and can help make the tumors grow more slowly or stop them from growing. It can also help manage symptoms caused by the tumors. It may be used in combination with surgery.

GI Center of Excellence

At the GI Center of Excellence, we have specialists dedicated to diagnosing and treating cancer affecting the liver, pancreas and GI tract. Our team of hematologists, oncologists, radiologists and surgeons work together to develop the best treatment for you.

Features of our GI Center of Excellence include:

  • Clinical trials and emerging treatments
  • Comprehensive treatment, including surgery and radiation oncology
  • Expertise in all liver and pancreatic diseases, including cancers
  • Genetic counseling
  • Specialized nurse navigators

Find a colon doctor in Kansas City, MO

Genetic testing

To help you understand more about your risk for developing cancer, we also offer genetic testing. During testing, a genetic counselor will work with you and review information, such as your medical records and family history. From there, they will provide you with detailed information about your risk for developing cancer and the steps you can take to be proactive about your health.

Please call (816) 276-9005 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Cancer wellness support and classes

As part of HCA Midwest Health, Research Medical Center offers a cancer support program, including cancer wellness education classes that are free and designed for both the patient and caregiver. The classes provide simple, evidence-based strategies to reduce cancer-related side effects and to help you live your best life. Classes are held in a supportive small group format to allow for individual questions and socialization with others who are affected by cancer.

Cancer wellness classes

Getting to our cancer center

Sarah Cannon at Research Medical Center is located inside of our main hospital. We recommend patients use our Sarah Cannon-designated West Entrance and parking lot when visiting. Cancer rehabilitation at Research Medical Center takes place on our Brookside Campus in Building B, Suite 100.

About Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute

Research Medical Center is part of Sarah Cannon, the Cancer Institute of HCA Healthcare. Our family of hospitals provides comprehensive cancer services with convenient access to cutting-edge therapies for people facing cancer in our communities. From diagnosis to treatment and survivorship care, our oncology expertise ensures you have access to locally trusted care with the support of a globally recognized network.

askSARAH helpline

Have cancer questions? We can help. askSARAH is a dedicated helpline for your cancer-related questions. Our specially trained nurses are available 24/7, and all calls are confidential. Contact askSARAH at (816) 448-7737.

Oncology at HCA Midwest Health

Research Medical Center is a part of HCA Midwest Health. Our hospitals are known throughout the region for comprehensive care of all cancer types.

Oncology refers to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Oncology treatments may include chemotherapy, radiation, medication or surgery. Oncologists can specialize in one of three fields of oncology: medical, radiation or surgery.

Learn more about oncology

Oncology at HCA Midwest Health

Oncology refers to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Oncology treatments may include chemotherapy, radiation, medication or surgery. Oncologists can specialize in one of three fields of oncology: medical, radiation or surgery.

Learn about Oncology